Sunday, October 21, 2012

Three Months, No Progress

I launched the Goddess Project last August in preparation for a very good friend's wedding on May next year (2013). At the same time, I want to slim down a bit because (1) I want to be able to wear the clothes that I want to, (2) I can feel the fat embracing my internal organs already (unhealthy) and (3) my boyfriend's bitter ex-girlfriend has a knack of name-calling and there was a time that she actually called me a pig. I didn't take it bad actually because pigs are very nice and sweet. But when I go shopping, all I can buy are shoes and bags because I get frustrated when I try on clothes that don't fit. So yeah, I have to really slim down.

October is about to melt and three months after I launched the Goddess Project, I am still nowhere near my target weight loss. I think I may have even gained a few pounds. Which is why when I saw my social calendar this upcoming holiday season, I knew I have to fast-track this Goddess Project thing. It doesn't just start and end with weight loss, because there are some other things that need polishing too.

So as of now, I have two significant weddings to attend to before the year ends. It was supposed to be three but apparently the first one was called off (yikes!). I don't know the nitty-gritty details yet but that was what I heard from the grapevine. The next is an uncle's wedding in Tagaytay. And then a childhood friend's wedding here in Laguna. Hmmm... I should try to catch the bouquet in one of them, yes? Hahaha!

Although I am not part of the bridal entourage in those two weddings, and I have no intention of stealing the show, I want to be pleasant to look at. And from now to the two weddings, I have roughly around two months to get myself into shape. Which is a good thing because after December, I have another five months to fit into the goddess gown for the May 2013 wedding.

I guess it's goodbye frappucinos and cheeseburgers for now. For now.

Saturday, July 28, 2012


One month down but no progress whatsoever. Crap.

I promised myself that starting this July I will start dieting for Marjorie's wedding on May 2012. But to no avail. I am still stuck at the starting line. Which is why, to be inspired and to feel the fast passing of days till next summer, I browsed the web for the possible gown cuts that a Greek-inspired wedding could require. And I found these two lovelies:

Okay. So maybe I won't be able to get THAT thin but at least I could get small enough to wear a gown like that without looking like a big white whale in a really high ponytail.

July is ending in a month and here we go again with empty promises, hoping that for once, I might be able to stick to it.

August, the diet and lifestyle modification begins.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

It's Been A While

A message from a friend inspired me to create this blog. For years now, since I started medical school, I have no reason to shape up. I gave up my social life for books. I rarely go out on holidays and vacations. And I turn to food when stress pushes me down. Then suddenly, as I mentioned earlier, a message from an old friend, she's getting married next summer. It's going to be an intimate wedding, Greek-inspired, with flowing Greek gowns. Then I looked at myself. There's no way I can rock a Greek goddess gown in this body. 

But aside from the Greek goddess wedding theme, her message also struck a sensitive chord. Like I said, ever since medschool, I let myself go. I stopped my physical activities, I binge eat when stressed. My weight seem to yo-yo every year. 

In college, we used to be roommates. And it was during the time that we lived together was I on my kikay-est. Maybe it's time to bring the kikay back.

And since she's my inspiration to a project that I know only she can help me with, might as well introduce the bride-to-be. My good friend, Marjorie. But the two of us are only two-thirds of a legendary Maayusin Street triumvirate, the other one is Donna (no FB account).

We were all set to become doctors but destiny would make them nurses and only I went on to medical school. But that's that. No point in dwelling on that. More on our friendship soon. But here's our 'latest' picture, taken during the last time we were together in 2010.